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原标题:Why I am getting "print() on closed filehandle with bad file descriptor" in my Perl script?

我在Perl拥有一台TCP服务器(Revision 5.0 edition 8 subversion 0),该服务器利用这一代号在档案中登录。

sub logger {
  return if ($LOGFILE eq "") ;
  my ($idt, $str) = @_ ;
  unless( defined($str) ) {
    $str = $idt ;
    $idt =    ;
  my ($s,$m,$h,$J,$M,$A) = localtime(time()) ;
  if(!open(OUT,">>$LOGFILE")) {
    warn "logger:error open [$LOGFILE]:[$!]
  if (!printf OUT "%4.4d/%2.2d/%2.2d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d %s %s -> %s
          $A+1900, $M+1, $J, $h, $m, $s, $idt, $HOSTNAME, $str) {
    warn "logger:error print [$LOGFILE]:[$!]
  if (!close(OUT)) {
    warn "logger:error close [$LOGFILE]:[$!]

So there is simultaneous writing in this log file. Exceptionally , I have this error in STDERR:

printf() on closed filehandle

logger :error print [/my/path/logFile.LOG]:[Bad File Descriptor]


How can I resolve this problem?


。 由于将升级改造为真正的伐木系统,如Log4perl,这一问题已经解决,因此,你可以使用一个称为$OUT的弹性文件:

sub logger {
    $LOGFILE or return;
    my ($idt, $str) = @_ ;

    unless( defined($str) ) {
        $str = $idt ;
        $idt =    ;

    my ($s,$m,$h,$J,$M,$A) = localtime(time()) ;

    my $OUT;

    unless (open $OUT,  >> , $LOGFILE) {
        warn "logger:error open [$LOGFILE]:[$!]

    unless (printf $OUT 
        "%4.4d/%2.2d/%2.2d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d %s %s -> %s
        $A+1900, $M+1, $J, $h, $m, $s, $idt, $HOSTNAME, $str
    ) {
        warn "logger:error print [$LOGFILE]:[$!]

    unless (close $OUT) {
        warn "logger:error close [$LOGFILE]:[$!]

    return 1;


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