English 中文(简体)
原标题:How do I set the WCF error message return format in code?
  • 时间:2012-05-07 15:58:06
  •  标签:
  • wcf


[WebGet(UriTemplate = "getdata?key={key}&format={format}")]
Event[] GetIncidentsXml(string key, string format);


var selectedFormat = ParseWebMessageFormat(format);
WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.Format = selectedFormat;

(ParseWebMessage) 表格是填平Enum parsing for the category


当我提出例外时,情况就是如此。 如果通过的关键无效,我就这样做:

var exception = new ServiceResponse
    State = "fail", 
    ErrorCode = new ErrorDetail { Code = "100", Msg = "Invalid Key" }

throw new WebProtocolException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Key.", exception, null);

当出现例外情况时,返回类型为always。 XML:

<ServiceResponse xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/IBI.ATIS.Web.ServiceExceptions" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
        <Msg>Invalid Key</Msg>




<standardEndpoint name="" helpEnabled="true" automaticFormatSelectionEnabled="false" />

由于你需要具体指明违约反应格式。 你看到的行为是标准的行为。 你们需要寻找和确定具体负责人,并确定应对方式应当是什么。 然后,你可以执行请求拦截者,以说明即将采取的应对方式。

为了回答你的问题,如果无人提及或提出不好的要求,你就需要坚持一种缺省格式。 与《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》不同的议定书相比,教育、科学和技术部更是一个范例。

UPDATE: For clarification sake. You could do something like this.

public interface ICustomerService
   [WebGet(UriTemplate ="?format={formatType}",BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare)]
   IResponseMessage GetEmCustomers(string formatType);


public class CustomerService : ServiceBase
  IResponseMessage GetEmCustomers(string formatType)
      var isValid  = base.validateformatspecification(formatType);// check to see if format is valid and supported
      if(!isValid) return base.RespondWithError(formatType,new Error {Msg= "Dude we dont support this format"});
      var customers = CustomerProvider.GetAll();
      return base.Respond(formatType,customer);// This method will format the customers in desired format,set correct status codes and respond.
    }catch(Exception ex)
      // log stuff and do whatever you want
      return base.RespondWithError(formatType,new Error{Msg = "Aaah man! Sorry something blew up"});// This method will format the customers in desired format,set correct status codes and respond.


public class ServiceBase
  public IResponseMessage Respond<T>(string format,T entity);
  public IResponseMessage RespondWithError<T>(string format, T errorObject);


public class Error:IResponseMessage {/*Implementation*/}

public class GetEmCustomerResponseResource:List<Customer>,IResponseMessage {/* Implementation*/}

public class GetEmCustomerErrorResponse: IResponseMessage {/* Implementation   */}

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