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双重精准行为。 需要解释
原标题:Double precision strange behaviour. Need an explanation


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

static double const x = 665857;
static double const y = 470832;

int main(){
    double z = x*x*x*x -(y*y*y*y*4+y*y*4);
    return 0;

我很想知道,如果用32台借机(或像我这样在64台借机上悬挂——m32国旗)与海合会4.6相配,那么该代码就印刷了“0.0”。 就我所知的浮动点业务而言,可能过度流入/渗入或与它们失去精确性,但......如何?



这是因为,第754号电子计算法是按正常格式计算的浮动点数。 浮动或翻一番,或者任何其他符合要求的代表情况如下:

1.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * 2^exp

>>> 代码>是红土的分部分,因此,红土本身始终处于[1、2)。 总分类为1的分类部分没有储存在代表处。 <代码>x bits 界定了准确性。 http://code>double。 支出以抵消形式储存(为了获得其价值,必须减去1023美元),但现在这无关紧要。

665857^4 in 64-bit IEEE 754 is:

0 10001001100 (1)0100110100000001111100111011101010000101110010100010
+ exponent    mantissa

(第一种轨道是:0=正值,1 - 负;括号中的比值没有实际储存)

In 80-bit x86 extended precision it is:

0 10001001100    (1)0100110100000001111100111011101010000101110010100010
0 100000001001100 1 010011010000000111110011101110101000010111001010000111000111011

(在分类部分明确属于代表部分的情况下——偏离了ISO 754;我把红issa调为清晰度)

4*470832^4,载于64-bitIE 754和80-bit x86的精度:

0 10001001100    (1)0100110100000001111100111011101001111111010101100111
0 100000001001100 1 010011010000000111110011101110100111111101010110011100100010000

4*470832^2,载于64-bitIE 754和80bit x86的精度:

0 10000100110    (1)1001110011101010100101010100100000000000000000000000
0 100000000100110 1 100111001110101010010101010010000000000000000000000000000000000

当你总结最后两个数字时,程序如下:小值调整后,其权宜之计与大值相对应,而红利则转向权利,以保持价值。 由于两个分位数相差38个,小数的红土将38个分位移至正确点:

第470832^2*4号,经调整的64-bit、754和80-bit x86号:

 this bit came from 1.xxxx ------------------------------v
0 10001001100    (0)0000000000000000000000000000000000000110011100111010|1010
0 100000001001100 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000110011100111010101001010101


0 10001001100 (1)0100110100000001111100111011101001111111010101100111|0010
0 10001001100 (0)0000000000000000000000000000000000000110011100111010|1010
0 10001001100 (1)0100110100000001111100111011101010000101110010100001|1100



minuend    0 10001001100 (1)0100110100000001111100111011101010000101110010100001|1100
subtrahend 0 10001001100 (1)0100110100000001111100111011101010000101110010100001|1100
difference 0 10001001100 (0)0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000|0000

纯一! 如果你全程进行计算,你将再次获得纯0。

这里的真正问题是,在64轨精确度中不能有1.0个代表,比例为2^77,在红土中不存在77个精确度。 80轨道精确度也是如此——在红土只有63个比值,14个比值不到代表1.0的必要,考虑到2^77的幅度。

因此,这吧! 它只是科学计算这个可贵的世界,在这个世界里,你在数学课堂教学的方式没有任何作用。


The problem is not that the numbers overflow. The problem is that doubles don t have enough precision to distinguish between the two operands of your subtraction.


The value of y*y*y*y*4+y*y*4 is 196573006004558194713600.

这些数字有78个比值,只有最后一个比值不同。 双重精确数字只有53比值。 其他数字只四舍五入到53秒。



double z = x * x * x * x - ((y * y + 1) * y * y * 4);

With this change, you get 33554432! Why? Because the way intermediate results were rounded caused the last bit of the right operand to be different. The value of the last bit is 2^(78-53)=2^25.


Prelude> 665857^4 - 4*(470832^4 + 470832^2)


There is no floating-point overflow or underflow in your code. The two quantities are of the order of 1.96573006 × 10^23, and largely fit within a double. Your example simply illustrates catastrophic cancellation, where you subtract two close quantities and the relative precision of the result becomes horrible.

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