English 中文(简体)
原标题:passing functions as arguments in C [duplicate]
  • 时间:2012-05-07 22:25:27
  •  标签:
  • c


node_t* func(node_t* n, int f(node_t *))

What exactly does this mean? There is a function as an argument in there. What is the point of that? Shouldn t you just be able to call any function in the file as long as it s been declared? Also, in terms of assembly, is it the memory location of int f() that is being referenced?


node_t* func(node_t* n, int f(node_t *))

这是一项功能,称为“func”,具有两个参数:N, no子, 和 f, 功能的点子, 即 no子和 in子。 该功能使一名点人返回到 no。



只要在汇编股宣布这一职能,而且联系人可以发现这一职能是正确的。 然而,当你想要在运行时间决定什么功能使用时,就使用职能点(或如果你只想履行一般职能,则汇编时间)。

http://www.cplus.com/vis/clibrary/cstdlib/qsort/“rel=“nofollow”>qsort :

void qsort ( void * base, size_t num, size_t size, int ( * comparator ) ( const void *, const void * ) );

Now consider this:

typedef struct Student { int id; char* name; }

Student students[10];

//populate students

int sortByName(void* a, void* b)
    Student* sa = a;
    Student* sb = b;
    return strcmp(a->name, b->name);

int sortById(void* a, void* b)
    Student* sa = a;
    Student* sb = b;
    return a->id - b->id;

//sort by name:
qsort(students, 10, sizeof(Student), sortByName);

//sort by id:
qsort(students, 10, sizeof(Student), sortById);

重要的是,分类法必须改变。 分类的实施实际上是通用的。 它是按不同数据类型操作的一种算法,在这种情况下,这种通用性由一个职能点加以促进。



The second argument is a function pointer to a function with signature int(node_t *). This way you can pass a call-back to func, like this:

int foo(node_t * p) { /* ... */ }

node_t n;
func(&n, foo);   //  note: the second argument is the function pointer


T * array_next(T * arr, int n) { return arr + n; }
T * array_prev(T * arr, int n) { return arr - n; }

T * move_in_array(T * arr, T * (*f)(T *, int))
    return f(arr, 1);


T * p = move_in_array(some_array, flag ? array_next : array_prev);


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