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原标题:Typedefs and printf format specifiers


However, I m also seeing typedefs as a way to change the storage structure for a class of variables in one go.


typedef uint32_t my_offset_t

<代码>my_offset_t,从uint32_t<>t改为charuint64_t,作为简单易变的一条线和重编(假设使用的I ve) 除印刷/扫描/>外。





它是一个trick生意,但<inttypes.h> from C99 and subsequently显示了这样做的途径。




和SCN当量。 此外,你在基数类对应宏观上界定了这些要素,因此:

#define XYZ_PRIx_my_offset_t PRIx32
#define XYZ_PRId_my_offset_t PRId32
#define XYZ_PRIX_my_offset_t PRIX32
#define XYZ_PRIu_my_offset_t PRIu32
#define XYZ_PRIo_my_offset_t PRIo32

在您的法典中,你采用了XYZ_PRIx_my_offset_t的形式。 宏观:

printf("Offset: 0x%.8" XYZ_PRIX_my_offset_t "
", my_offset_value);

如果你随后需要把所有东西都变为64个轨道,那么你会适当编辑这些类型和宏观定义,其余部分则保持不变。 如果你真心谨慎,你可以彻底改变。

Make sure you compile on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems with lots of warnings set. GCC will not warn about non-problems on your current platform, but they may show up on the other. (I just fixed some code that was clean on 64-bit but unclean for 32-bit; it now uses a macro like XYZ_PRId_int4 instead of %d and compiles cleanly on both.)


请看一下我的earlier question on inttypes.h。 您可以看到,系统如何界定格式的光谱仪,可以与分类法(通过<条码>#define)一致使用,使定制的打印机对您的习惯类型进行检索。

另一种解决办法是,将未签字的类型和<代码>uintmax_t 改为t/code>。 例如:

", (uintmax_t)n);




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