关于ole子,我已经确定了监理处类型,并扩大了 t和pdf档案。 但是,如果我想支持谷歌文件格式档案,我应该做些什么?
并且 如果我已经开放谷歌文件格式档案,那么我如何将档案转换为pdf格式,然后通过GOGLE的快车向他们下载吗?
关于ole子,我已经确定了监理处类型,并扩大了 t和pdf档案。 但是,如果我想支持谷歌文件格式档案,我应该做些什么?
并且 如果我已经开放谷歌文件格式档案,那么我如何将档案转换为pdf格式,然后通过GOGLE的快车向他们下载吗?
您目前无法使用谷歌猛烈的SDK,打开谷歌式乐器(Docs、Spreadsheets、演示等)。 这是我们(,)正在研究固定办法。
I learned how to download single google doc. But I am trying to make a script that downloads all my data in text format and then merges them in 1 text file. So, I wonder how to implement downloading ...
The "previous version" interface on Google Docs is very primitive. It wouldn t even allow you to select two arbitrary versions for comparison (but correct me if I m wrong.) How can I access the ...
I ve added references to all the required docs api dll s, but I still get missing reference exceptions when I try to compile.
Is it possible to download files of any type from Google Docs using the Google Docs API? (jpg, zip, txt) I can figure out how to download word, powerpoint, and excel files but want to be able to ...
There doesn t seem to be (to my knowledge) an API to edit Google Docs (not spreadsheets, their HTML based documents). Has anyone done something like the? Maybe by downloading the HTML version, editing ...
I have list of google docs which i got by authorizing myself with below code: <cfhttp url="https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin" method="post" result="result" charset="utf-8"> &...
I am pulling list of docs in coldfusion via google docs API. I want users to click on the link and get signed in automatically in google docs, with my username and password. Google should not ask user ...
Anyone know how to post file using curl to the google documents. I write this code: $header[] = "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=seсretkey"; $header[] = "Content-Type: application/pdf"; $header[] = "...