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How to download all your google docs from shell

I learned how to download single google doc. But I am trying to make a script that downloads all my data in text format and then merges them in 1 text file. So, I wonder how to implement downloading part so that 1 can get zip file with all my files just as you do with web browser. Here is my newb script to get single file. Hope you can suggest some tweaks that make it more effective.

token=$(curl -s https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin -d Email=user.name@gmail.com -d Passwd=blahblah -d accountType=GOOGLE -d service=writely -d Gdata-version=3.0 |cut -d "=" -f 2)
set $token
wget --header "Gdata-Version: 3.0" --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=$3" "https://docs.google.com/feeds/download/documents/Export?docID=${resourceId}&exportFormat=txt" -O /tmp/${file[$i]}.txt

Here I specify single resourceId, as you see. Should I just push many resourceId-s in download link to get them all or there is better way?


If you don t mind using a non-native tool I would highly recommend: http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/

However, considering the age of this question, you may have already figured this out.

You can also use the Archive feed of the Documents List API to export your documents as a zip file:


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