English 中文(简体)
原标题:Merge 2 screen with 2 entities

I had 4 UITableView which represents 4 tabs from my UITabBar. So I have an unique custom TableViewController which controls every screen depending on the entity (on CoreData) it has to display. In order to fetch elements from CoreData I use a NSFetchedResultsController.

但是,由于营销原因,我不得不合并2个屏幕,这意味着在同一屏幕上显示2个实体。 因此,我不得不从2个不同实体抽取一些内容。 我还有一个抽象的实体“要素”,即我用在我的表格“主计长”中,抽象地控制每个实体。


  • Do I have to rewrite my Model to merge those 2 entities (this is a problem because the 2 entities are a bit different)
  • Can I tell to my NSFetchedResultsController to fetch 2 entities ? How ?
  • Can I tell to my NSFetchedResultsController to fetch the Element entity and afterwards to predicate those Entities ? How ?









在这三个实体中,最好的解决办法是,将实体排在正确的上。 仅可查询一个实体。

我还将考虑一种满足您营销需求的不同做法。 你只能发挥两种不同的作用,而不是把结果结合起来。

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