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当我点击 Chrome中一页时,离婚(而不是确定其四分级)自动消减。
原标题:Div (not sure if its div) automitcally resizes when I click anywhere on the page in Chrome [closed]
  • 时间:2012-05-09 10:01:08
  •  标签:
  • html
  • css

这个问题似乎不成问题,因为 缺乏足够的信息来诊断问题。 http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve'include a minimum example .

Closed 10 years ago.

Im在Khat V18有问题。 如果我在网页上点击任何地方,我的灰色标识箱就自动重新大小。



活动.layerX和活动.layerY在WebKit被打破和折旧。 不久将将其从发动机中删除。

我在另一个受保护的名录中有一套准确的代码,该名录的运行时间为1.7.2 of;这不是问题。


<br category=“clear”/> with <div category=“clear”></div>

<br /> is a special tag that has a height depending on your global font, so if you are going to have a functional tag like "clear:both" then div or other elements with 0 size can be a better idea.

PS。 你所引述的信息是毫不相干的,但对于你来说,这没有什么信息:

  1. That is called a warning, not error.
  2. Although it is pending to be deprecated, it is still working currently.

Remove that break <br class="clear"> tag, or replace with <div class="clear"></div

我希望 它将开展工作。

Would be worthwhile learning how to use the clearfix method in your code: http://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/clear-fix/

Makes life very easy :)

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