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原标题:How to use the column names specified in Excel file s first row within a package?


Example: Data in my Excel spreadsheet looks as following

Title         | ProvinceID | DistrictID |
Construction  |      12    |      32    |

问题在于,当我从表格中进口数据时,掌握数据,但一栏头名称显示为F1、F2和F3,我希望该栏目的名称按Excel电子表格的界定。 高度赞赏你的协助



可以通过核对箱子<代码>来做到这一点。 第一行有栏,同时配置<代码> ExcelLink Manager。


这方面的一个例子是利用SSIS 2008 R2表明了这一点。

  • Let s assume that you have an Excel file as shown below with the first row containing the column names.


  • When you configure an Excel Connection Manager, you need to select the Excel file. On the Excel connection manager, you will notice that there is a checkbox named First row has column names. Check this box if you want to use the column names specified in the first row of your Excel file to be visible in SSIS package.


  • So, when you configure an Excel Source within a Data Flow task, you will notice the column names specified in the first row of the Excel file being displayed correctly. Following screenshots show how the column names are displayed when an Excel Connection Manager is used in an Excel Source.


Excel source columns

Reason for your issue:

  • The reason why you are seeing the column names as F1, F2 and F3 is because you probably didn t check the box First row has column names on the Excel Connection Manager. In that case, it will appear as shown here on the Excel source.





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