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原标题:Can I avoid using Grape to load modules in Groovy?

I am writing my first automation script in groovy and I ve hit a roadblock. While making use of the AntBuilder class to run sshexec() I run into the following error:

: Problem: failed to create task or type sshexec
Cause: the class org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.ssh.SSHExec was not found.
    This looks like one of Ant s optional components.
Action: Check that the appropriate optional JAR exists in
    -the IDE Ant configuration dialogs

Do not panic, this is a common problem.
The commonest cause is a missing JAR.

This is not a bug; it is a configuration problem


Grape.grab(group : "com.jcraft", module : "jsch", classLoader : this.class.classLoader.rootLoader)
Grape.grab(group:"ant", module:"ant-jsch", classLoader:this.class.classLoader.rootLoader)

in order to load the required modules. However, I would like to eliminate the lag time of Grape downloading the jars from the remote Maven repository.

是否有办法下载和节省今后使用的模块,或许可在JAVA_中。 a. 适当或可采用的方法?


Adding the required jars to %ANT_HOME% and %GROOVY_HOME% wasn t working.

解决办法是将jar降至%以下。 groovylib——在此之后,不再需要Grape电话。 希望这对有相同问题的其他人有用。



• 利用“格拉佩”说明,在运行时间下载文字依赖:

    @Grab(group= org.apache.ant , module= ant-jsch , version= 1.8.3 ),

def ant = new AntBuilder()

ant.sshexec(host:"somehost", username:"yo", password:"dude", command:"ls")


@GrabResolver(name="my-repo", root="http://my.hostname/maven/repo")

Final tip, the property groovy.grape.autoDownload can be used to control whether grape does arangedown or only use its castalfile.

groovy -Dgroovy.grape.autoDownload=false myscript.groovy

假设你只剩下两台机器,我会造出一只葡萄树脂,并编造一根 。 违约时间为30天。 这将告诉格拉佩斯,如果你有依赖性,则每30天只能检查更新的附属地的偏远存放处。 详情见

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