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Moq: 验证抽象类别受保护的方法
原标题:Moq: Verifying protected method on abstract class is called


public class RepositoryTests
    private APurchaseOrderRepository _repository;

    public void TestInitialize()
        _repository = new FakePurchaseOrderRepository();

    public void RepositoryGetPurchaseOrdersForStoreCallsValidatePurchaseOrders()
        var store = new Store();
        var mockRepo = new Mock<APurchaseOrderRepository>();
        mockRepo.Protected().Setup("ValidatePurchaseOrders", ItExpr.IsAny<List<PurchaseOrder>>());


        mockRepo.Protected().Verify("ValidatePurchaseOrders", Times.Once(), ItExpr.IsAny<List<PurchaseOrder>>());

APurchaseOrder 资料库及其接口类似

public interface IPurchaseOrderRepository
    List<PurchaseOrder> GetPurchaseOrders(Store store);

public abstract class APurchaseOrderRepository : IPurchaseOrderRepository
    public abstract List<PurchaseOrder> GetPurchaseOrders(Store store);

    protected virtual bool ValidatePurchaseOrders(List<PurchaseOrder> purchaseOrders)
        return true;


public class FakePurchaseOrderRepository : APurchaseOrderRepository
    public override List<PurchaseOrder> GetPurchaseOrders(Store store)
        var purchaseOrders = new List<PurchaseOrder>();


        return purchaseOrders;

However, my test fails with:

Test method PreSwapTests.RepositoryTests.RepositoryGetPurchaseOrdersForStoreCallsValidatePurchaseOrders threw exception: Moq.MockException: Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times: mock => mock.ValidatePurchaseOrders(It.IsAny())

Configured setups: mock => mock.ValidatePurchaseOrders(It.IsAny()), Times.Never No invocations performed.



  • Moq.4.0.10827


我认为,正是这一行程:mockRepo.Protected().Setup(“Validate PurchaseOrders”);,因为作为第二点,我需要增加参数,但我似乎无法纠正。

Update 2: Made some modifications, now it compiles, but isn t counting correctly...or something, error message and code are both updated above.


实现 我正在这样做所有错误,改变了我的物体,以配合这一检验。

    public void RepositoryGetPurchaseOrdersForStoreCallsValidatePurchaseOrders()
        var store = new Store();

        var mockPurchaseOrderProvider = new Mock<IPurchaseOrderProvider>();
        var mockPurchaseOrderValidator = new Mock<IPurchaseOrderValidator>();
        var purchaseOrderRepository = new PurchaseOrderRepository(mockPurchaseOrderProvider.Object, mockPurchaseOrderValidator.Object);

        mockPurchaseOrderValidator.Setup(x => x.ValidatePurchaseOrders(It.IsAny<List<PurchaseOrder>>()));


        mockPurchaseOrderValidator.Verify(x => x.ValidatePurchaseOrders(It.IsAny<List<PurchaseOrder>>()), Times.Once());



这是因为<代码>Validate PurchaseOrders不在您的<编码>内。

储存库被宣布为<代码> 私人IPurchaseOrderRepository_repos;,因此只能看接口中的内容。

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