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Javascript - 大型背景图像装饰时间在Load功能上保持。
原标题:Javascript - Large background image load time is holding up my onLoad function

I have a beautiful background image on a website which unfortunately takes a while to load. The rest of my page is driven by a function that is called when the body loads like so:

<body onLoad="initialise()">

因此,我的浏览器正在等待背景,在发出初步通知之前全负荷。 如何在网页完全装满负荷之前,或至少在背景图像出现之前,都能够打电话。



如果你需要等到网页准备就绪,则用 j子做事。

<script type= text/javascript >jQuery(document).ready(initialise)</script>




<script type="text/javascript">initialise();</script>

use jquery s ready() method. if you aren t using jquery, check this out: http://code.google.com/p/domready/ It s a small library just for this work.


<script type="text/javascript">


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