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原标题:Is it possible to scan for methods with specific attributes within assembly?

能否在议会中找到具有特定特性的方法? 我目前正在研究C++视觉项目,但甚至C#与我一道被罚款。 我需要找到目前所采用的所有方法,例如:[XYZ]。 任何想法?


我利用Microsoft Roslyn从事类似工作。 这应当非常容易。




Alright, try this:


loop trough all the methods and GetCustomAttributes

这应该是这样。 遗憾的是,我没有在我的妻子手提电脑上安装视频演播室:


引证。 它将搜查任何特定物体

        MemberInfo[] members = obj.GetType().GetMethods();
        foreach (MemberInfo m in members)
            if (m.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method)
                MethodInfo p = m as MethodInfo;
                object[] attribs = p.GetCustomAttributes(false);
                foreach (object attr in attribs)
                    XYZ v = attr as XYZ;
                    if (v != null)


static void FindAttributes(String^ assemblyPath)
    Assembly^ assembly = Assembly::ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(assemblyPath);

    for each (Type^ typ in assembly->GetTypes())
        for each (CustomAttributeData^ attr 
            in CustomAttributeData::GetCustomAttributes(typ))
            Console::WriteLine( "{0}: {1}", typ, attr);

Keep in mind this will load each and every assembly you use into the Application Domain, so it might be worth calling this code in its own AppDomain each time.

利用反思来寻找方法和 attributes取特性

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