English 中文(简体)
C#ony recursion and Y-combinator Performance
原标题:C# anonymous recursion and Y-combinator performance

下面是匿名再次侵入的职能和测试。 第一种是真正的Y-combinator,看重罚款和简单,但相当缓慢。 执行1毫秒。 第二项原因很奇怪,因为c(c,项目),但比前者更快两倍。



delegate Action<T> Continuation<T>(Continuation<T> r);

    public void TestMethod()
        IObject root = BuildComposite();

        Performance.Measure(1000000, () =>
                    Apply(root, h => t =>
                        foreach (IObject item in t.Children)
                }, "Time ");

    private static void Apply(IObject root, Func<Action<IObject>, Action<IObject>> g)
        Continuation<IObject> action = c => thing => { g(c(c))(thing); };

        Action<IObject> target = action(action);


delegate void Continuation<T>(Continuation<T> r, T n);

    public void TestMethod()
        var root = BuildComposite();

        Performance.Measure(1000000, () =>
            Apply(root, (c, thing) =>
                foreach (var item in thing.Children)
                    c(c, item);

    void Apply(IObject root, Continuation<IObject> f)
        f(f, root);

我昨天对此感兴趣。 我做了一些测试,这是我的尝试,我已经走了几步。 代表越简单,越快越了,但有些人则实现了民主化。

Time test   1   542 69%
Time test   2   377 99%
Time test   3   558 67%
Time test   4   505 74%
Time test   5   372 100%
Time test   6   374 99%
Time test   7   452 82%


void Main()
    foreach(var t in typeof(test).Assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(test))))

private abstract class test
    public abstract void TestMethod();

private class test1 : test

    delegate Action<T> Continuation<T>(Continuation<T> r);

    //The fixed point operator, very slow also.
    public override void TestMethod()
        IObject root = BuildComposite();

        Performance.Measure(1000000, () =>
            Apply(root, h => t =>
                foreach (IObject item in t.Children)
        }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name);

    private static void Apply(IObject root, Func<Action<IObject>, Action<IObject>> g)
        Continuation<IObject> action = c => thing => { g(c(c))(thing); };

        Action<IObject> target = action(action);



private class test2 : test

    delegate void Continuation<T>(Continuation<T> r, T n);

    //Without curry, curring makes things go slow.
    public override void TestMethod()
        var root = BuildComposite();

        Performance.Measure(1000000, () =>
            Apply(root, (c, thing) =>
                foreach (var item in thing.Children)
                    c(c, item);
        }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name);

    void Apply(IObject root, Continuation<IObject> f)
        f(f, root);


private class test3 : test

    //Another common definition found on web, this is worse of then all.
    public override void TestMethod()
        var root = BuildComposite();

        Performance.Measure(1000000, () =>
            Y<IObject, int>(f => thing =>
                foreach (var item in thing.Children)
                return 0;
        }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name);

    public delegate TResult SelfApplicable<TResult>(SelfApplicable<TResult> r);

    public static TResult U<TResult>(SelfApplicable<TResult> r)
        return r(r);

    public static Func<TArg1, TReturn> Y<TArg1, TReturn>(Func<Func<TArg1, TReturn>, Func<TArg1, TReturn>> f)
        return U<Func<TArg1, TReturn>>(r => arg1 => f(U(r))(arg1));


private class test4 : test

    //Simpler definition, taken from this SO.
    //This uses inherent compiler recursion, lets see if it speed things up.
    public override void TestMethod()
        var root = BuildComposite();

        Performance.Measure(1000000, () =>
            Y<IObject, int>(f => thing =>
                foreach (var item in thing.Children)
                return 0;
        }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name);

    public static Func<TArg1, TReturn> Y<TArg1, TReturn>(Func<Func<TArg1, TReturn>, Func<TArg1, TReturn>> f)
        return f(n => Y(f)(n));


private class test5 : test

    //Simple way to recurse, is also the fastest
    //but then its no more an anonymous lambda.
    //This defeats the game purpose.
    public override void TestMethod()
        var root = BuildComposite();

        Action<IObject> a = null;
        a = thing =>
                foreach (var item in thing.Children)

        Performance.Measure(1000000, () =>
        }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name);


private class test6 : test

    //Reference test, direct method call
    //There should be no way to get faster than this.
    public override void TestMethod()
        var root = BuildComposite();

        Performance.Measure(1000000, () =>
        }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name);

    public static void a(IObject thing)
        foreach (var item in thing.Children)


private class test7 : test

    //Lets try some memoization.
    public override void TestMethod()
        var root = BuildComposite();

        Performance.Measure(1000000, () =>
            Y<IObject, int>.Combinator(f => thing =>
                foreach (var item in thing.Children)
                return 0;
        }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name);

    private class Y<TArg1, TReturn>
        public static Func<TArg1, TReturn> Combinator(Func<Func<TArg1, TReturn>, Func<TArg1, TReturn>> f)
            return f(n => 
                    if (memoized == null) memoized = Combinator(f);
                    return memoized(n);
        private static Func<TArg1, TReturn> memoized;


private interface IObject
    List<IObject> Children { get; }

private class CObject : IObject
    private int lvl;
    public CObject(int lvl)
        this.lvl = lvl;
    public List<IObject> Children 
            var l = new List<IObject>() { BuildComposite(lvl + 1) }; 
            if (lvl > 2) l.Clear();
            return l;

private static IObject BuildComposite()
    return new CObject(0);

private static IObject BuildComposite(int lvl)
    return new CObject(lvl);

private class Performance
    public static void Measure(int count, Action a, string msg)
        using(new WallClock(msg))
            Enumerable.Range(1, count).ToList().ForEach(_ => a());

private class WallClock : IDisposable
    private string name;
    private Stopwatch w;
    public WallClock(string name)
        this.name = name;
        w = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    public void Dispose()
        Console.WriteLine(name + " : " + w.ElapsedMilliseconds);


rel=“nofollow noreferer”>http://mikehadlow.blogspot.com.br/2009/03/recursive-linq-with-y-combinator.html


http://blogs.msdn.com/b/wesdyer/archive/2007/02/02/anonymous-recursion-in-c.aspx”rel=“nofollow noretinger”>http://blogs.msdn.com/b/wesdyer/archive/2007/02/02/anonymous-recursion-in-c.aspx




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