English 中文(简体)
原标题:Add router modules in Zend


$defaultAdmin = array ( module  =>  admin ,  controller  =>  index ,  action  =>  index  );
$routeAdmin = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route (  admin/:controller/:action/* , $defaultAdmin );
$router->addRoute (  admin , $routeAdmin );

然而,如果我进入这一档次:行政/行政,将控制员装上/申请/控制员/主计长。 php,而不是在申请/申请/模块/行政/控制人员/内部监督员中。

我的 full锁是:

abstract class My_Application_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap {
     * Inicializa las características generales de la aplicación
     * @param $application Zend_Application|Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrapper         
     * @return void
    public function __construct($application) {
        parent::__construct ( $application );
        $autoloader = $application->getAutoloader ();
        $autoloader->registerNamespace (  Busca  );
        $this->_initConfig ();
        $this->_initDb ();
        $this->_initView ();
        $this->_setCache ();
        $this->_setRouter ();
        $this->_setHelpers ();
        $this->_init ();
     * Método que setea el cache del sistema
     * @return My_Application_Bootstrap
    protected function _setCache() {
        $config = Zend_Registry::get (  config  );

        $metadataBack = $config->metadata_cache->frontend->toArray ();
        $metadataFront = $config->metadata_cache->backend->toArray ();

        $memcachedOpts = $config->db_cache->toArray ();

        $memcache = new My_Cache_Backend_Memcached ( $memcachedOpts );
        $metadataCache = Zend_Cache::factory (  Core ,  File , $metadataBack, $metadataFront );

        Zend_Registry::set (  Cache , $memcache );
        Zend_Registry::set (  MetadaCache , $metadataCache );

        My_Model_Table_Abstract::setDefaultMetadataCache (  MetadaCache  );
        return $this;
     * Inicializa la configuración de la aplicación
     * @return My_Application_Bootstrap
    protected function _initConfig() {
        Zend_Registry::set (  config , new Zend_Config ( $this->getOptions () ) );
        return $this;
     * Inicializa la(s) base(s) de datos
     * @return My_Application_Bootstrap
    protected function _initDb() {
        $this->bootstrap (  multidb  );
        $resource = $this->getPluginResource (  multidb  );
        $databases = Zend_Registry::get (  config  )->resources->multidb;
        foreach ( $databases as $name => $adapter ) {
            $db_adapter = $resource->getDb ( $name );
            Zend_Registry::set ( $name, $db_adapter );
        return $this;
     * Reemplaza la vista Zend_View por My_View
     * @return My_Application_Bootstrap
    protected function _initView() {
        $viewRenderer = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper (  viewRenderer  );
        $view = new My_View ();
        $viewRenderer->setView ( $view );
        return $this;
     * Método que setea el router general del sitio
     * Todas las peticiones irán al controlador default, con excepción de las de
     * administración.
     * @return My_Application_Bootstrap
    protected function _setRouter() {
        $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance ();
        $router = $front->getRouter ();
         * Router para entidades
        $defaultSection = array ( module  =>  default ,  controller  =>  index ,  action  =>  section ,  sectionAction  => null,  section  => null,  id  => null,  title  => null );
        $requiredSection = array ( id  =>  d+  );
        $routeSection = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route (  :section/:sectionAction/:id/:title/* , $defaultSection, $requiredSection );
        $router->addRoute (  section , $routeSection );
         * Router para entidades sin ID
        $defaultSection = array ( module  =>  default ,  controller  =>  index ,  action  =>  section ,  sectionAction  => null,  section  => null );
        $routeSection = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route (  :section/:sectionAction/* , $defaultSection, $requiredSection );
        $router->addRoute (  section , $routeSection );
         * Router para listados
        $defaultList = array ( module  =>  default ,  controller  =>  index ,  action  =>  list ,  section  => null );
        $routeList = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route (  :section/listar/* , $defaultList );
        $router->addRoute (  listados , $routeList );
         * Router para administración
        $defaultAdmin = array ( module  =>  admin ,  controller  =>  index ,  action  =>  index  );
        $routeAdmin = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route (  admin/:controller/:action/* , $defaultAdmin );
        $router->addRoute (  admin , $routeAdmin );
        return $this;
     * Configuración de los helpers del sistema
     * @return My_Application_Bootstrap
    protected function _setHelpers() {
        $prefix =  My_Controller_Action_Helpers ;
        Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::addPrefix ( $prefix );
        Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::addPath ( APPLICATION_PATH .  /controllers/helpers ,  My_Controller_Action_Helper  );
        return $this;
     * Para usar en los hijos en vez del constructor
    protected function _init() {


创建一套新目录,以备应用,编号:cut,贴上您的应用程序/控制器。 然后确保你提出申请。 iii

resources.frontController.moduleDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules"
resources.modules = true;



一旦您具备模块结构,就一定会为你的模块设置一个boot锁,使其与您的习俗路线相连接。 例如

class Example_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap

    public function _initModuleRoutes()
        $this->bootstrap( FrontController );
        $frontController = $this->getResource( FrontController );
        $router = $frontController->getRouter();

        $route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
             modulename/:action/* ,
                     module  =>  modulename ,
                     controller  =>  modulecontroller ,
                     action  =>  index 
        $router->addRoute( routename , $route);

        return $router;

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