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原标题:Method using LINQ in my Repository that gets null errors

I have a Method in my LINQ Basicly what my LINQ query does is that it retrieves data from my database.

用户可在两个日期之间选择并检索数据。 但是,如果用户选择某一日期范围,我就没有数据,那么这个错误就会发生:

The cast to value type Double failed because the materialized value is null. Either the result type s generic parameter or the query must use a nullable type

It should be okey for the users to search between the two dates even if there is no data, it should give a error message that there is no data between those dates instead of this error I recieve in my Visual studio. I am using MVC entity framework model first.


public List<CoreValueAndAverageGrade> GetAverageGradeForAllCoreValues(
    OfficeStatisticQueryViewModel model)
    var StartDate = DateTime.Parse(model.StartDate);
    var EndDate = DateTime.Parse(model.EndDate);

    return db.CoreValue
        .Where(v => v.CoreValueQuestion
            .Any(q => !q.SubjectType.Ignored_Statistic))
        .Select(coreValue => new CoreValueAndAverageGrade
            CoreValue = coreValue,
            AverageGrade = coreValue.CoreValueQuestion
                .Where(q => !q.SubjectType.Ignored_Statistic)
                .Average(q => q.SelectedQuestions
                    .Where(s => 
                        s.GoalCardQuestionAnswer != null
                        && s.GoalCardQuestionAnswer.Grade.HasValue
                        && s.GoalCard.Completed_Date >= StartDate
                        && s.GoalCard.Completed_Date <= EndDate
                    .Average(s => s.GoalCardQuestionAnswer.Grade.Value))

最新信息:Grade is Double and Nullable




看看询问的最后一个部分——如果在过滤<条码>后没有退行,则条款,那么<条码>,那么GoalCard QuestionAnswer.Grade.Value将无限期地扔下,因为你试图获取一个无效物体的特性。


.Average(s => s != null ? s.GoalCardQuestionAnswer.Grade.Value : 0)



I would split up the queries and investigate further. My guess would be that there is some inconsistent data. Probably it happens somewhere where you compare a double with a double? and the double? value is null. Maybe check your records for nulls, which should actually be there.

当你试图向没有记录的结果申请总操作员时,通常会出现这一错误。 看看你使用的地方。 平均和我确信,你有一个疑问,即以前没有记录。

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