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原标题:How to program a small program?

I would like to program productive and keep my FileSize very small. However I would like to know a few tips how do accomplish that.



if .... =  1  then begin

if ..... = inttostr(1) then begin

if .... = inttostr($0001) then begin

case of intvar
  1: ...
  2: ...

Then there is something that I tried and I was surprised. I made another Unit in my project that stores Strings as constants and then I use the constant vars to replace the strings in my project. For some reason this raises my FileSize although I replace double used Strings as a var now.

Also is it better to store stuff in vars than put them directly into the code?! For example:

Function1(param1, param2, param3); // this code is used about 20 times in my project


Avar = Function1 (param1,param2,param3); // Store this once in a var and then replace it


if ... = TRUE 

if ....


if .... = FALSE

if not(...)...



I use Delphi7





  • the exact same source code can result in vastly different executables and different source code can result in the same executable, depending on the compiler options/optimizations
  • if your main goal is to micro-manage/control the generated exe, program directly in assembler.
  • if you want to know what is generated by the compiler, learn how to use the CPU View.
  • program for correctness first, then readability/maintainability
  • only then, if needed (implies using correct metrics/tools), you can optimize for speed, memory usage or file size (probably the least useful/needed)

很久以前,我就试图使方案尽可能小,因为它必须安装在一盘fl盘上(一只知道一米一只din。 这个Splitter工具是在Delphi撰写的,规模约为50KB。

要想达到这一小点,就必须在没有许多Delphi的单位(特别是Forms/code>单位和所有提及该单位的单位)的情况下这样做。 唯一的办法是将Windows-API直接用于全球倡议,而且可以想到现在这样做的理由,但出于兴趣。


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