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原标题:3 questions about appengine indexes


class M(db.Model):

    a = db.ReferenceProperty(A)

    x = db.ReferenceProperty(X)
    y = db.ReferenceProperty(Y)
    z = db.ReferenceProperty(Z)

    items = db.StringListProperty()

    date = db.DateTimeProperty()

我想提问,对(a)、(x、 y z)和(项目)进行过滤,时间是:

mm = M.all().filter( a = , a1).filter( x = , x1).filter( items = , i).order( -date )

There will never be a query with filter on x and y at the same time, for example.


(1) 我应制定多少(和哪些)指数?

(2) 我在项目上可以作多少补充说明? (按千方百计)

3) 如果有1 000个项目,我会有多少个指数记录?

I don t quite yet understand this index stuff, and is killing me. Your help will be very appreciated :)

  1. 关于您提供的标准,你只需要制定三个复合指数:a,x,items,-date,a,y,items,-date,a,z,items,-date。 注:清单财产为清单中每一财产的索引条目。

  2. 每个实体的指标条目限值为5,000。 如果只有三个复合指数,则低于50003=1666(单一清单财产为1,000)。

  3. 仅3个复合指数,3*1000 = 3000。

<>0> 以上假设是,你没有每个财产的内在指数(即财产不计指数)。 否则,你需要将2N的建筑指数考虑在内,N的单一房地产数量为2N(含2英亩)。 如果是的话,这将是2*(5+No_items),因为<代码>项目是一个清单财产,每个条目都设定指数条目。


See also https://developers.google.com/appengine/articles/indexselection, which describes App Engine s (relatively recent) improved query planning capabilities. Basically, you can reduce the number of index entries needed to: (number of filters + 1) * (number of orders).
Though, as the article discusses, there can be reasons that you might still use compound indexes-- essentially, there is a time/space tradeoff.

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