English 中文(简体)
原标题:Count the occurrences of a phrase with GREP
  • 时间:2012-05-11 16:24:27
  •  标签:
  • unix
  • grep


我有一份档案目录,载有档案目录。 因此,当我需要看看是否有任何档案含有某种短语时,我就使用过。


Is there any way to count the total number of times that the phrase appears in these files?

页: 1

But that d give the occurrences in each individual file, not the total, which is not what I want.



find mydir -print0 | xargs -0 grep  the phrase  | wc -l


xargs -0 - 转换一流已终止的线体,将其改为引证其论点,例如,“mydir/file 1”“mydir/file 2”......现在可以将这些论点列入碎.清单。


彻底终止的线索业务都与在档案中拥有空间的工作有关,因为否则,这些档案可能像多条论据一样 gr。



grep  the phrase  mydir/* | wc -l

The output of grep across all files that match "mydir/*" is then sent to wc -l.

grep  the phrase  mydir/* --count | awk  BEGIN { FS=":"; sum=0;} { sum = sum + $2; } END { print sum }  

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