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更改简略的 Java典
原标题:Converting a simple JavaScript code

我曾试图转换,该版的《 Java成典代码,该图画从图像中获取主要颜色,但迄今没有成功。 我对<代码>colorCount &color变量有错误。 我不知道这些变量所用的适当和对应数据类型。 我的守则是:

public string dominantColor(Bitmap img)
       int[] colorCount = new int[0];
       int maxCount = 0;
       string dominantColor = "";

       // data is an array of a series of 4 one-byte values representing the rgba values of each pixel
       Bitmap Bmp = new Bitmap(img);

       BitmapData BmpData = Bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, Bmp.PixelFormat);
       byte[] data = new byte[BmpData.Stride * Bmp.Height];

       for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4) 
            // ignore transparent pixels
            if (data[i+3] == 0)

            string color = data[i] + "." + data[i+1] + "," + data[i+2];
            // ignore white
            if (color == "255,255,255")

            if (colorCount[color] != 0)
               colorCount[color] = colorCount[color] + 1;
               colorCount[color] = 0;

            // keep track of the color that appears the most times
            if (colorCount[color] > maxCount)
                 maxCount = colorCount[color];
                 dominantColor = color.ToString;

       string rgb = dominantColor.Split(",");
       return rgb;   


static Color dominantColor(Bitmap img)
    Hashtable colorCount = new Hashtable();
    int maxCount = 0;
    Color dominantColor = Color.White;

    for (int i = 0; i < img.Width; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < img.Height; j++)
            var color = img.GetPixel(i, j);

            if (color.A == 0)

            // ignore white
            if (color.Equals(Color.White))

            if (colorCount[color] != null)
                colorCount[color] = (int)colorCount[color] + 1;
                colorCount.Add(color, 0);

            // keep track of the color that appears the most times
            if ((int)colorCount[color] > maxCount)
                maxCount = (int)colorCount[color];
                dominantColor = color;

    return dominantColor;

So what is the difference here? - I use a Hashtable instead of your array (you never redefine the dimension of it - and the best way to use an extensible object from JavaScript is a Hashtable) - I prefer to use the already included structure Color (which saves 4 bytes for Alpha, Red, Green, Blue) - I also do the comparisons and return this structure (then you are free to do whatever you want to do - in JavaScript using those strings is just a workaround because the browser is just giving you such RGB(a) strings)

贵国法典的另一个问题是含有以下数据线:由星号数据 = 新的星号(BmpData.Stride * Bmp.Hala); 创建和初步使用你的阵列,但无数据(NET将抹掉所有以前的数据,造成大量零)。 因此,你不会在任何地方。

我版本的缺点是,它实际上很小(这是你正在玩弄锁脚的地方)。 如果你想要的话,我可以给你一个没有管理的版本(使用锁定和不安全锁)。 取决于业绩是否对你有利,如果你感兴趣的话!



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