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地方推广 采用主干(js)+主干的存储数据。
原标题:Duplication localStorage data using backbone.js + backbone.localStorage.js

使用骨干+骨干的Im, 当地Storage, 坚持我的数据,我的行为是错误的:

Ive got a model context with one Depende knownuser

Settings = Backbone.Model.extend({
    localStorage : new Backbone.LocalStorage( settingsStore )
var settings = new Settings();
settings.set({user:  USERNAME });

之后,如果我产生结果,就会出现这种情况。 我收到以下数据:

   id: "3ac78cfb-ad60-1ab8-8391-f058ae9bfcfb"  
   user: "USERNAME"  
   __proto__: Object

Then I save the model to the localStorage, clear, and fetch it again:


问题在于,如果我产生结果,情况就会随之而来。 属性现存于一个密封物体内:

   0: Object  
       id: "3ac78cfb-ad60-1ab8-8391-f058ae9bfcfb"  
       user: "USERNAME"  
       __proto__: Object  
   __proto__: Object

And the problem is when I set the user name again in order to modify, a new attribute is added like this:

   0: Object  
   id: "3ac78cfb-ad60-1ab8-8391-f058ae9bfcfb"  
   user: "USERNAME"  
   __proto__: Object  
   user: "NEWUSER"  
   __proto__: Object 



The answer to the question given by fguillen link gives the correct answer to this problem.


After doing this:

var settings = new Settings({ id: 1 });

除(a)和(b)项外,这些方法正在正确运作。 显然,你必须注意不要重复2份身份证。



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