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Is there an equivalent to localStorage in React Native?

I d like to implement the equivalent to the javascript localStorage in my React Native app. But I m unsure how to set. To function how I want it to, I would like the localStorage to be stored every time the app opens. Is there a way to do this?


A better option than React Native Async Storage these days is React Native MMKV. It includes support for synchronously getting/setting strings, booleans and numbers.

Read more about why MMKV is recommended over Async Storage here.

In React Native applications, data can be persisted locally using AsyncStorage .

You can check it out here.

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Is there an equivalent to localStorage in React Native?

I d like to implement the equivalent to the javascript localStorage in my React Native app. But I m unsure how to set. To function how I want it to, I would like the localStorage to be stored every ...
