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原标题:Is there any way to make the Time Profiler Instrument more effective with large functions?

I m currently using Xcode s Time Profiler Instrument for iOS. One function is extremely large. Yes, splitting it up into much smaller inline ones would be far more intelligent. However, is there a way to fake stack levels or get the instrument to deal with such a large function to make it easier to determine what s actually the slow portion?

在AMD码分析员和Intel VTune中,你再次看到了该功能的图表,这样你就可以确定不同的缓慢领域。 我基本上不禁要问,SiOS装置的X编码是否对等。


If you have a large function in the Instruments time profiler, you should be able to double click that line (or click the little arrow that shows up to the right) and it will take you directly to the code (in Instruments).


From there, any specific line that uses lots of CPU time will be highlighted with the specific percentage. In the upper right corner of the code view there will be a small xCode icon that you can click to open that specific area of code in xCode.



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