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• 如何寻找搜索/定购单[封闭]
原标题:How to find search/find npm packages [closed]
  • 时间:2012-05-13 00:40:51
  •  标签:
  • node.js
  • npm

我们不准许向软件图书馆、辅导、工具、书籍或其他场外资源征求建议的问题。 你可以ed问这个问题,以便用事实和引证来回答。

Closed 1 year ago.

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.



npm Specific




http://eirikb.github.com/nipster/“rel=“noreferer”>。 同样,根据Npm + github的评级。


<代码>npm 查询 工作端正:

<>编码>npm view,将显示每一版本的时间序列和从 Package.json <<><>>code>往别处。 (包括文稿)

Libraries.io。 在通过国家预防机制模块进行搜索和过滤方面,你也可以通过许可证和关键词进行过滤:https://libraries.io/search?platforms=NPM


https:// openbase.com/

至今。 它的雕像和特征是AFAIK,没有其他地点。

rel=“nofollow”https://npms.io 确实是冰冰、提供质量和保持状态。

npmsearch sorts the results by a combination of relevance and downloads. The command line version can be installed from npm:

[sudo] npm install -g npmsearch

dis: 我是那份研究的作者。

node-modules allows you to personalize your results according to the modules that you have starred/followed on github

1. 青少年的快速方法:

<>m>< Keyword >searchTitle,打字,介绍,作者和关键词

Here s another one: https://npmaddict.com/

Not a search but daily list of New packages with at least 5 GitHub stars

https://nodejsmodules.org/ 它是你可以搜寻的,也是民众的row。

https://github.com/Enome/node-package-finder (Latest commit 26ff789 on 4 May 2012, should count as dead)

我个人使用:http://npm research.com/“conf=“no followlow”>npm research.com:>

I m not sure how it works internally but it usually gives the best results.

就在出现这一问题时,我也创建了一种工具,帮助人们发现其他人正在使用哪套 n子:


它令人痛心,但npm search在6+号版上为我赢得了工作。

快速工作是从指挥线上 cur取 cur:

curl --fail -O https://www.npmjs.com/package/q-promise 2>&1 | grep  404 


根据<<S(NPM Search)关于“, 查询查询, 可在Npmjs.com搜索酒吧使用下列操作者:

Search Syntax Description
scope:types Show/filter results that belong to the @types scope
author:sindresorhus Show/filter results in which sindresorhus is the author
maintainer:sindresorhus Show/filter results in which sindresorhus is qualifier as a maintainer
keywords:gulpplugin Show/filter results that have gulpplugin in the keywords (separate multiple keywords with commas, you may also exclude keywords e.g. -framework)
not:deprecated Exclude deprecated packages from the results
not:unstable Exclude packages whose version is < 1.0.0
not:insecure Exclude packages that are insecure or have vulnerable dependencies (as per nsp)
is:deprecated Show/filter is deprecated packages
is:unstable Show/filter packages whose version is < 1.0.0
is:insecure Show/filter packages that are insecure or have vulnerable dependencies (as per nsp)
boost-exact:false Do not boost exact matches, defaults to true
score-effect:14 Set the effect that package scores have for the final search score, defaults to 15.3
quality-weight:1 Set the weight that quality has for the each package score, defaults to 1.95
popularity-weight:1 Set the weight that popularity has for the each package score, defaults to 3.3
maintenance-weight:1 Set the weight that the quality has for the each package score, defaults to 2.05

Further Reading

国家预防机制可以感到压倒性,因为它是largest的一揽子登记! 有时,在审视......时,我们不需要更少或更宽松的建议。

因此,我建造了。 https://pkg.land

It helps you find similar packages on npm, e.g https://pkg.land/moment will suggest you dayjs, date-fns etc.


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