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原标题:return more than one data type

I query-ing this from entity framework using WCF, and i want to use the data in phone client side, may i know how can i query more than one data type from the WCF function ?

string LoginUser(string email, string password);


        public string LoginUser(string email, string password)
        string query = @"SELECT VALUE tblUser FROM MyEntities.tblUsers AS tblUser WHERE tblUser.email = @email AND tblUser.password = @password";
        ObjectParameter[] parameters = new ObjectParameter[2];
        parameters[0] = new ObjectParameter("email", email);
        parameters[1] = new ObjectParameter("password", password);

        using (var context = new SteamKingEntities())
            ObjectQuery<string> results = context.CreateQuery<string>(query, parameters);
            foreach (string result in results)
                if (result != null)
                    return result;
        return null;


        public Login()
        _serviceClient = new Service1Client();
        _serviceClient.LoginUserCompleted += new EventHandler<LoginUserCompletedEventArgs>(_serviceClient_LoginUserCompleted);


    private void loginBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        _serviceClient.LoginUserAsync(txtEmail.Text, txtPassword.Password);

    private void _serviceClient_LoginUserCompleted(object sender, LoginUserCompletedEventArgs e)

        if (e.Error == null && e.Result != null)
            MessageBox.Show("Welcome " + e.Result + "!");
            MessageBox.Show(e.Error.Message + " Couldn t Login, Please try again =D");



我猜想,需要对ISER方面作一些修改,但我并不严重地知道如何因为一把新电话投向Linq至Q。 请指导我如何为返回做像样的事情。 谢谢。


页: 1 在试图将参数(http://tempuri.org/:LoginUserResult)淡化时有错误。 详情请见InnerException。

i 将该守则修改为。 WCF 习俗目标,但不能将其erial化...... i 猜测这一问题来自WP部分,how 能够使结果化为乌有?



    public class ReturnType
        public string Name { get; set; }

        public string Pass { get; set; }


    Entities.ReturnType[] SelectTopUser(int countOfTop);


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