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生命线6.0.6portal + 6.1 plugins SDK 不工作
原标题:service builder in Liferay 6.0.6portal + 6.1 plugins SDK not working

Hi i am developing Liferay faces portlet in Liferay 6.0.6 portal + 6.1 Plugins SDK environment. I am successfully running the portlet. But when i try to run service builder, it is raising errors. Can any one help me.


我们有同样的问题,我的同事建议的解决办法是,利用Plugins SDK 6.1,开展支持牛奶的新项目,然后将其退回到SDK 6.0.6。

6.0.6 服务建设商正在正确工作,而共同基金仍在适当工作,因为它是利用Plugins SDK 6.1建立的。



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