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原标题:How to run activity, if app in background?
  • 时间:2012-05-17 10:58:58
  •  标签:
  • java
  • android

I writing the network application and i have a problem with starting activity if the application in background. I want to start activity when some data comes to network. In my Actity A a have a receiver and when it receive some answer from server, it must run the Activity B. But if the App in background, Activity B not starting and metod onCreate() doesn`t execute. It execute only when the user go back to App. But its not really what i want, becouse in Activity B i need to start timer and i neen to enable GPS and some other work. Besides that, Activity B receive some data too, and if B not existing - this receiver will never receive anything. I tryed IntentServise, but its not working - result the same as without him. Any ideas? Thanks for any information :-)


Maybe your receiver is not getting intents when your app is background, for example if you re unregistering it in onDestroy method... try declaring your broadcast receiver in manifest. In broadcast receiver class use starActivity to call act B. This works for me.


你们可以迫使活动退步。 您可以使用地位限制,向用户发出通知。 还想到的是,这种移动装置,人们可以在谈话中使用全球定位系统作为汽车中的导航。

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