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网上表格和电子版: Hide ID, show name?
原标题:Web forms and URL rewriting: Hide ID, show name?

我正与欧洲空间法中心合作,并提出一些问题。 我想我这样说:


但是,我也希望能够检索该产品的识别资料,而不能查阅数据库。 我想到的是,我们有这样的一席之地:





Currently my Global.asax has the following route:

routes.MapPageRoute("Produkt visning",

当我找回名字时,我就象在SIngleProduct那样。 页: 1

object productRoute = Page.RouteData.Values["ProductName"];

        if (productRoute != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(productRoute.ToString()))
// do stuff

If I very simple could just get the ID instead of name, it would be awesome.

a. 感谢大量多彩的主机;-


To hide the ID of the Product... take the ID and apply Encryption to it... something like DES or Triple DES, then apply Server.URLEncode method to the ID and then you can easlily hide the id.

当你打开时,你可以简单地接收加密的识别器并做服务器。 URLDecode and the decode the ID.

Anyways... why dont you pass the ID of the product as a get Parameter ? Something like... www.domain.com/product/myproduct?PID=#$$#12 , where the PID is encrypted and URL Encoded and then you can easily process it.



Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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