English 中文(简体)
ASP. NET MVC 在使用浮动点号码时,GisModel把ci门捆绑起来。
原标题:ASP.NET MVC ViewModel binded decimal empty when using floating point numbers

我制造了一个含有价格的陈情门槛物。 当我向我的控制者表明,情况是:

  • Enter "15" -> ok! Controller receives 15.
  • Enter "15.00" -> not ok! Controller receives a null field.
  • Enter "15,00" -> validation error because the field should be formatted with a period (I just stick to one formatting type to avoid complexity for the time being).
  • Enter "15.00M" -> validation error, probably because it s not considered to be a number.

我如何确定这一点? 我想“15.00”是一种正确的价值,但我可以说明如何做到这一点。 我在互联网上找到了两套习惯模式的宾逊,但是他们做了一些工作。


解决这一问题最容易的方法是将语言放在网络中。 专案:

<globalization culture="en-us" uiCulture="en-us" />

页: 1

Why is it the easiest? This way the included JavaScript helpers can do validation without problems (which is done by assuming that numbers should be US formatted values), which is now (due to our changes) the same on the server. Therefore something that is valid on the client side will also be valid on the server side (statement only valid for simple cases and JavaScript enabled browsers).

所有其他选择都涉及对多国企业地方化进行更多的编辑、推广和知识。 3. 。



public string priceComputed {get;set}


price = convert.todecimal(pricecomputed)

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