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Parsing RGB HexCode String for a ESP 8266
原标题:Parsing RGB HexCode String for a ESP 8266

I m在我ESP8266从互联网上获得彩色海螺的项目上工作,然后我用这个颜色为LED。


然而,如果B值为非零,那么“3#FF00FF”和“3#FF0012”的“3#FF0012”将坠毁,但“3#FF0000美元”不会落空。 这里是我法典的缩略语。 同样,当它坠毁和ESP8266自动电离层电离层电离层装置不停时,我猜测它会泄露记忆。

int r1 = 0;
int g1 = 0;
int b1 = 0;

void setup() {
  // boilerplate

void loop() {

  String data = // getting string of data from server, format is like "$3#FF0000"
  if (data.charAt(0) ==  $  && dataLen == 9) {
    char ledStrip = data.charAt(1);
    char buffer[10];
    data.toCharArray(buffer, sizeof(buffer));

    r1 = strtol(data.substring(3, 5).c_str(), NULL, 16); // Parse hex to int
    g1 = strtol(data.substring(5, 7).c_str(), NULL, 16);

    // Note it does crash after this line but indiscriminately after
    // If I remove this line the error does not ever happening
    // So I m assuming is a memory issue
    b1 = strtol(data.substring(7, 9).c_str(), NULL, 16);

    Serial.print("Received RGB values for Strip 1 & 2: R=");
    Serial.print(", G=");
    Serial.print(", B=");




  1. "dataLen": undefined
  2. "buffer[10]": unused


    char buffer[10] = // getting data from server, format is like "$3#FF0000"
    sscanf(buffer + 3, "%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx", &r1, &g1, &b1);
    Serial.print("Received RGB values for Strip 1 & 2: R=");
    Serial.print(", G=");
    Serial.print(", B=");

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