English 中文(简体)
• 如何通过SS法典中的char子处理str果
原标题:How to process a string char by char in the XS code


  my $str =  some text ;
  my $result = my_subroutine($str);

my_subroutine(>>,应作为《标准指示》加以实施。 例如,它可以退还(统一编码)扼杀物的tes。

In the XS code, how to process a string (a) char by char, as a general method, and (b) byte by byte, if the string is composed of ASCII codes subset (a built-in function to convert from the native data srtucture of a string to char[]) ?


在XS层面,你穿透或UTF-8型护卫。 在一般情况下,你的代码可能包含一个char *,以标明其行文中的下一个项目。 用于XS的一套有用的UTF-8支助职能,改为 section of

http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/PEVANS/Tickit-0.15/lib/Tickit/Utils.xs”rel=“nofollow” http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/PEVANS/Tickit-0.15/lib/Tickit/Utils.xs

int textwidth(str)
    SV *str
    STRLEN len;
    const char *s, *e;

    RETVAL = 0;

    if(!SvUTF8(str)) {
      str = sv_mortalcopy(str);

    s = SvPV_const(str, len);
    e = s + len;

    while(s < e) {
      UV ord = utf8n_to_uvchr(s, e-s, &len, (UTF8_DISALLOW_SURROGATE
      int width = wcwidth(ord);
      if(width == -1)

      s += len;
      RETVAL += width;





char* buf = SvPVbyte(sv, len);

while (len--) {
   char byte = *(buf++);

   ... do something with byte ...

If you re expecting text or any non-byte characters:

U8* buf = SvPVutf8(sv, len);

while (len) {
   STRLEN ch_len;
   UV ch = utf8n_to_uvchr(buf, len, &ch_len, 0);
   buf += ch_len;
   len -= ch_len;

   ... do something with ch ...

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