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LINQ 查询标有最接近的数据变量,以查询输入变量
原标题:LINQ query finding object with closest data variable to query input variable
  • 时间:2012-05-16 13:46:58
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • linq
  • min

I have a List where UserObj has a DateTime data member and a string Name member. I want to find the UserObj in the list with given Name InputName and with DateTime closest to an input DateTime InputDT



UserObj user = userObjList.Where(u => ((u.Name ==inputName) && (userObjList.Min())).ToList()[0];




UserObj user = userObjList
    .Where(u => u.Name == inputName)
    .OrderBy(u => Math.Abs((u.Date - inputDT).TotalSeconds))

http://code.google.com/p/morelinq/source/browse/trunk/MoreLinq/MinBy.cs?r=83”rel=“nofollow” 延长:

UserObj user = userObjList
    .Where(u => u.Name == inputName)
    .MinBy(u => Math.Abs((u.Date - inputDT).TotalSeconds));


var validUserObjs = userObjList.Where(u => u.Name ==inputName);
double mintime = validUserObjs.Min(u=>Math.Abs((u.Date-inputDate).TotalSeconds));
var result = validUserObjs.First(u=>Math.Abs((u.Date-inputDate).TotalSeconds)==mintime);

想法是首先让用户获得有效的用户。 然后,委员会发现,最接近的日期是投入日期。 然后,委员会利用这一时间差异确定具体项目。

Its a lot messier than that given one with order by but it should be O(N) to do it (one pass through the list to find the minimum and then a second pass to get that item). It may need some minor tweaking for errors in my code but the idea is sound. :)

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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