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原标题:Disabling a button prevents click event to server

I have a repeater with a button in that saves some data to the DB. My issue is sometime the call down to the DB takes a little bit and the user sometimes will click save a few times causing multiple entries to be added to the db. So my first thought was to add a throbber and disable the button when its clicked. The throbber is spinning away but when the button is disabled it prevents the call to the server. So I looked at this but since I have a bunch of different buttons (Update, Add, ...) that there are a few different server side methods being called so I can t just post __doPostBack($(button).attr( id ), ). So i was thinking that I might need to do a ajax call but I wanted to see if there was any other ideas. Here s my code: The onClientClick is actually being setup on the server side but this is basically whats being done.


<div style="position: relative; float: left;">
      <asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" Text="Assign" OnClientClick="return fnAssignedButtonPressed(this);", OnClick="btnSave_Click" />


function fnAssignedButtonPressed(button) {
//validating inputs
var valid = true;

           $(button).attr( disabled ,  disabled );
           __doPostBack($(button).attr( id ),  );
  return valid;


protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
 // This method doesn t call called when I disable the button!!


function fnAssignedButtonPressed(button) 
//validating inputs 
var valid = true;
       //set a timeout and then disable the button, this prevents the user from click the button multiple times.
       // need the timeout bc when the button becomes disabled it prevents the onlick event from firing.
       setTimeout(function() {fnDisableButton(button)}, 1); 

function fnDisableButton(button)
    $(button).attr( disabled ,  disabled );

根据您的设想,Ajax无疑是一个很好的选择。 否则,你就可展示使用jquery s UI dialog的等待模式,例如:

$( <div class="dialog" title="Please Wait">Please wait while your request is processing</div> ).dialog({
    modal: true,
    width: 350,
    open: function (event, ui) {


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