English 中文(简体)
原标题:Prevent css going through restlet

我一直在寻找年龄问题的答案,并且可以找到。 真正希望的人能够帮助

My structure:

 - resources
     - css
         - style.css
     - web.xml




String ROOT_URI = "C:/projects/testsite/WebContent/"
    try {
        configuration.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File(ROOT_URI));
        configuration.setObjectWrapper(new BeansWrapper());
    } catch (IOException e) {

    router.attach("/resources", new Directory(getContext(), LocalReference.createFileReference(ROOT_URI)));
    router.attach("/index", IndexResource.class);

When I go to URL: localhost:8080/testsite/index I get the template file with it populated with the correct data. However the CSS is not loaded. I can see in my eclipse console that restlet is trying to fetch it but I it get a 404   8080    GET /testsite/resources/css/style.css   -   404

As you can see above I am trying to use the Directory class to load my css directory but has no effect. Maybe this is wrong!? Is there a way in which css does not go through restlet? It would be good if ROOT_URI was relative instead of the absolute path. Is there an easier way to get the path of my location?


我首先注意到,由于你的名录以“档案”程序为基础,申请的集装箱必须申报该客户的链接。 这是在网上配置文件内进行的:

        <param-value>test.MyApplication (actually the full name of your Application</param-value>


ATTENTION: The protocol used by this request is not declared in the list of client connectors. (FILE)

说到这一点,利用“档案”程序为你的固定档案服务,你的申请与你的档案系统有关。 你可以在内部为这些档案服务,也就是说,让集装箱在应用WAR(可能不舒服)内寻找固定资源。 你们只能以“战争”议定书为基础:

router.attach("/resources", new Directory(getContext(), "war:///"));


Best regards, Thierry Boileau



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