我与我的协会有一些问题。 我有3个模型:用户、会员、公司。 用户(或不得)拥有公司/成员。 这里是我模式的主轴:
2 问题 我有:
- Why is Company/Membership returnning an array full of null values if one does not exist.
- Do my associates look correct for what I m trying to accomplish?
This is normal for BelongsTo/HasOne Relations. As they are on the same level as your primary record. Only HasMany/Habtm relations will result in an empty sub array (since those would be an array of arrays). That is mainly due to the way the array structure is returned.
In CakePHP, it seems like a lot of functions can take their arguments as nested, multidimensional arrays, or as dotted strings: $this->MyModel->contain(array( Something , Something.Else , ...
I ve got a cakephp app that I m trying to get to serve up the Pages::404 function (and corresponding view) whenever Cake encounters any error (missing controller, action, etc). What s the best way to ...
I am going to be builiding a site like ebay - with all the features of ebay. Please note my payment method is limited to paypal. What would be the best PHP framework to use to build this quickly, ...
I am wondering if there is a way to specify the date format in the forms created using CakePHP s $form->inputs(); Please note that this is not the individual $form->input() but instead $form->inputs() ...
I am writing a CakePHP 1.2 app. I have a list of people that I want the user to be able to filter on different fields. For each filterable field, I have a drop down list. Choose the filter ...
In my CakePHP app, I m pulling in the results of a table called Timesheets . This table has an athlete_id and a few split times for a race. I need to do some calculations on one athlete s times ...
How would I represent the following in a CakePHP model? Product ======= product_id .... Cart ==== cart_id .... Carts_Products ============== cart_id product_id quantity
I am a beginning Cake user and trying to do some work on an already existing application. Running into a problem when I create a new controller. I have created StoreController and when I try to call ...