I have a linked list, and I want to sort them by names (for example the names "Bx", "Tx", "Ax" would become : "Ax", "Bx", "Tx")... I need to switch the names if the one in the node s right has a "smaller name"..
typedef struct data
char *name;
typedef struct Node
data NodeData;
struct Node *next;
struct Node *prev;
void Sorting(Node *head)
Node *temp = head;
Node *temp2 = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
while (temp != NULL)
if (1 == (strcmp(temp -> NodeData.name, temp -> next -> NodeData.name)))
strcpy (temp2 -> NodeData.name, temp -> NodeData.name);
strcpy (temp -> NodeData.name, temp -> next -> NodeData.name);
strcpy (temp -> next -> NodeData.name, temp2 -> NodeData.name);
temp = temp -> next;
I m getting an runtime - error on the part where I need to swarp betwen the node s name(the strcpy lines): An access violation (segmentation fault)...