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C# 字符串中使用 int数组
原标题:use int array in string in c#
  • 时间:2012-05-22 08:25:10
  •  标签:
  • c#

我有一个内数组, 例如 {1, 2, 3, 4} 值 。

我想把这个数字放到,例如, 我的列表框像这样:

listBox2.Items.Add("After Inserting (" + page[i].ToString() +  )  + <use all my numbers like this : 1234 here>+"Page Fault = " + pf.ToString());  


After Inserting (3) 1234 page fault = 5

1234只是一个例子 我的阵列要大得多



您可以使用 < a href=" "http://msdn.microsoft.com/ en- us/library/dd992421.aspx" rel = “ no follown noreferr"\\ code>String. Join (实际上采用了 IEnumberable<T> 超载) :

String joined = String.Join("", yourArray); 


您可以使用 < a href=" "http://msdn.microsoft.com/ en- us/library/b1csw23d.aspx" rel = “ 不跟随 noreferr"\\ code>String. Format 来构建文本并增加可读性 :

var inserted = page[i].ToString();
var allInserted = String.Join("", yourArray);
var pageFault = pf.ToString();
var itemText = String.Format("After Inserting ({0}) {1} page fault = {2}"
                             ,inserted, allInserted, pageFault);

<% 1 > 编辑 2 :

can i replace some Character instead one number in array? my array : {1,2,3,4,-1"} output : 1,2,3,4,empty

是的, 您可以替换输出 :

String.Join("", yourArray.Where(i => i != -1));

<% 1 > 编辑 3 :

i understand how i can exclude -1 but i didn t understand how i can replace something with that...like "empty" instead -1


String.Join(", ", intArray.Select(i => i == -1 ? "empty" : i.ToString()));
string.Join(", ", intArray.Select(i => i.ToString())) 

字符串Join 和 ToList () 一起工作

int[] numbers = new int[] {1,2,3,4,5};
string s = string.Join("", numbers.ToList());

输出为 = "12345"

我不知道您数组的名称, 所以我仍然使用上述数字示例

listBox2.Items.Add("After Inserting (" + page[i].ToString() + ") " + 
                    string.Join("", numbers.ToList()) + 
                    " Page Fault = " + pf.ToString());   


排除像 -1 这样的数字

int[] numeri = new int[] {1,2,3,4,5,-1};
string s = string.Join(",", numeri.Where(i => i != -1).ToList());


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