English 中文(简体)
在 div 中调整/ 增加字体大小, 使其适合
原标题:Truncate/increase font size within a div so it fits

假设我有一个大小为 div > 100px x 20px ,其中文本随机设置,长度不同,即有些文本部分长,有些短。

因此,当文本数量更少时, div 内就有空白。如果文本数量大,它就会溢出。

My objectives

  • 如果文本小于 div 容量,那么该文本的 font-size 将尽可能地尽量适合该 div ,而不使用 clipping/claypping 。

  • 但如果文本大小大于 div 能力,那么我想将 < emgener > truncate 文本附加为 ... (3点仅) 。


For the first part, I d suggest to wrap the text in a <span> so you can get its offsetWidth, then you can set its font-size style property to 200 / span.offsetWidth. Keep in mind, though, that this is a rough calculations with some approximations being made, and maybe you want to do better using 190 or 195 instead of 200.

For the second part, just set overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;. Keep in mind that the ellipsis dots don t appear in older Firefox clients.


我想你需要另一个( 内部) < code@ lt; div> 才能检查文本的高度 。

<div id="mainDiv">
    <div class="inner">
        <p>Some text</p>

    width: 200px;
    height: 50px;
    overflow: hidden;



function doCheck()
    if (".inner".height > "#mainDiv".height) truncate()
    else increaseSize()

function truncate()
    for (i = 1; i <= ".inner".wordCount)
    while (".inner".height <= "#mainDiv".height)
        addOneMoreWord() + " …";
        if (".inner".height > "#mainDiv".height) removeLastWord()
//similar thing for increaseSize();

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