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如何使用 Raeditor 编辑 Asp. Net 中的模板?
原标题:How to Edit templates in Asp.Net using Radeditor?

Im 目前在 NCPL 工作的软件开发者。 这里我对编辑不同位置的模板有问题 。

We have a ASP.net software where in we sent emails to clients on various occasions. For those events we select templates and edit the data or image in it and send it to our clients.. The problem over here is that i ve took a radeditor component and tried to insert a template in it. But unable to edit it at different positions programmatically.. So i request you to kindly clear my issue as soon as possible.. I m also attaching a demo image for your reference. Awaiting for your reply...



我不知道你的意思是"但无法按程序 在不同的位置上编辑它。"

RadEditor 的内容区域是标准可编辑的 iframe/ div 。 如果您能够用可编辑的 div 执行您的假想, 您也可以用 RadEditor 实现它 。

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