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我如何写入/ 更改已有的壁球文件系统? [已关闭]
原标题:How do I write to/make changes to an existing squashfs filesystem? [closed]
  • 时间:2012-05-22 14:43:08
  •  标签:
  • squashfs

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Closed last year.

How do I write to/make changes to an existing squashfs filesystem? I have tried using aufs/unionfs, but these require kernel modules that are extremely hard to compile.


不使用 auf/ unufs / unuffs。 例如,在 Fedora 系统中, 使用安装 puffs 工具

#yum install squashfs-tools

This will get you /sbin/mksquashfs and /usr/sbin/unsquashfs installed on your host machine. Use these to uncompress an existing squashfs, make changes, and then compress it back again. Like so....

#ls rfs.squashfs 
#unsquashfs rfs.squashfs 
#ls rfs.squashfs squashfs 


#cd squashfs
#mkdir etc/vector


#mksquashfs squashfs my-new-squashfs

Using (mk|un)squashfs you may loose original permissions, compression type and so on. So, use unsquashfs -s to determine useful options. Also, you may mount -o loop -t squashfs to review fs PS: sorry, can t comment

how to unsquashfs or mount a firmware image?

i want to extract my routers firmware, and modify it. so i used bitsum s firmware mod kit. it seems there is no error. i can get image_parts directory also there is rootfs.img (squashfs image) file. ...


(SquashFS is a compressed filesystem - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SquashFS)
