English 中文(简体)
启动 Mac 应用程序时在 Windows 之间作出决定
原标题:Decide between Windows on starting the mac app

I have a Login.xib and a Main.xib and if you logged in once I store the token into a file. If this file with the token exists , I want to show the Main window instead of Login, because I already know which user it is.



我将检查您的应用程序代表 application did FinishLaunching: 方法中是否存在此文件。

如果文件存在, 则显示主窗口, 否则则显示登录窗口 。

< 强力 > 编辑 < /强 >

针对您的评论, 您需要查看 < a href=" https:// developmenter. apple. com/ library/mac/ #documentation/ Cocoa/ Reference/ ApplicationKit/ Classes/ nswindowcontroller_ Class/ Reference/ Reference. html" rel=“ nofollow” > NSWindowcurrent class。 基本上您想要控制的每一个窗口都将有一个 < em> NSWindowcurrent < / em > 对象 。


如果您的应用程序不是基于文档, 您的应用程序可以装入主. xib, 因为此程序设置在您的应用程序中的 info. plist 文件 。 基本上, 您的应用程序开始时, 它会查看信息. plist 文件, 以找出需要装入和装入哪个 nib 。 通常主 nib 包含一个菜单和一个窗口 。 只需删除窗口, 然后在单独的 nib 中重新创建它, 以阻止默认的窗口装入 。

If your application is document based then things are a little different. You will have an NSDocument subclass which should have a method called windowNibName which returns the name of the nib file to be loaded. Remove this method and instead override makeWindowControllers to return your NSWindowController objects. There is a bit more to it than this but this should get you started and the rest is beyond the scope of your original question.



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