English 中文(简体)
原标题:Address overriding in paypal

我有一个假想,我需要推翻 我的买主的货运地址 所以我在我的PaypalIpnConfig.php档案里找到了这个密码:

var $settings = array(
//more settings
   address1 => test address st ,
   address2 => test address st 2 ,
   country => United States ,
   state => Alaska ,
   city =>  Anchorage ,
   zip => 99501 ,
   address_override  => 1 

但在我的网站重新加载后, 我得到这个警告:

Unable to process payment. Please contact the merchant as the shipping address provided by the merchant is invalid, and the merchant has requested that your order must be shipped to that address.


< a href=> https://stackoverflow.com/ questions/573926/how-to-send-send-shipping-address-to-paypal-waypal-useing-paypal-ipn> 如何在使用 Paypal IPN 时将航运地址发送给 Paypal

Paypal 致词无效



State must be given as a 2-character word. So in your case it would be: state => AL or something


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