English 中文(简体)
原标题:Share code between classes
  • 时间:2012-05-21 19:43:47
  •  标签:
  • c#


public static string randomthing(string var1) 
    string var2 = "hello world";
    return var2;






静态类 :

public static MyClass
    public static string randomthing(string var1) {

        string var2 = "hello world";
        return var2;

// Call it: MyClass.randomthing("a string");

推广方法 :

public MyClass
    public static string randomthing(this string var1) {

        string var2 = "hello world";
        return var2;

// Call it: "a string".randomthing();

普通类 :

public static MyClass
    public static string randomthing(string var1) {

        string var2 = "hello world";
        return var2;

// Call it: var myClass = new myClass(); 
//          myClass.randomthing("a string");

方法只能是类的一部分。 所以在类( 或 < a href=" http:// msdn. microsoft. com/ en- us/library/ah19swz4%28v=vs. 100%29. aspx" rel = "nofollow" >struct ) 中声明它, 当它只是静态方法的集合时, 它可以是静态的 :

class RandomThings
    public static string randomthing(string var1) {
        string var2 = "hello world";
        return var2;

现在您可以通过 ClassName.MethodName 调用此方法:

String randomString = RandomThings.randomthing("hello world");

方法(C#prography 指南)

你可以让班级静态, 并把它从另一个班级调来, 而不必对班级本身进行即时处理 。

public static class Utility {
    public static string randomthing(string var1) {

                string var2 = "hello world";

                return var2;


public class UsingTheCodeHere

    public string SayingHelloWorld()
        return Utility.randomthing();



public class Person 
     public string SayHello()
         return "Hello"; 

public class LoudMouth : Person
    public override string SayHello()
        return base.SayHello() + "!!!!";

public class SadPerson : Person
    public override string SayHello()
        return base.SayHello() + " I am sad";

由于函数为 < a href=>", http://msdn.microsoft.com/ en- us/library/79b3xss3%28v=vs. 80%29.aspx" rel="nofollow">static , 请使用封闭的类名调用 :

public class Foo
   public static string randomthing(string var1)
      string var2 = "hello world";
      return var2;

public class OtherClass
    public OtherClass()
       // In constructor
       string here1 = Foo.randomthing("x");

    public void OrInSomeFunction()
       string here2 = Foo.randomthing("x");

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