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Cassandra + 有宽柱子的猪
原标题:cassandra + pig with wide columns

I am currently working on a recommender application and I am using cassandra with hadoop and pig for map/reduce jobs. To take advantage of the column names properties our team has decided to store data using valueless columns and aggregate column names so for example all hits for a specific content are stored in a column family with a single row, and each column is a hit for the content using the following structure:

rowkey =  single_row  {
    id_content:hit_date, -

利用这个方法,我们得到了宽长的行而不是瘦的行; 问题是,我需要如何操纵猪体内的数据 才能用这个方法将数据储存在卡桑德拉里?


我不确定您在评论中是否使用复合列, 或者您是否只是将 id_ content 和 hit_date 合并在一起。


(key, {(col_name, col_value), ...})


(key, {((col_name_part_1, col_name_part_2), col_value), ...})

这一评估(综合栏目)的基础是阅读在https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-3684 上提交的补丁。

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