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Upshot/Knockout 建筑最佳做法 -- -- 在Upshot与.NET之间的通信中,首选的提供者是哪一种?
原标题:Upshot/Knockout Architectural Best Practices - What is the preferred provider to use in communicating between Upshot and .NET?

对于目前的一个项目,我正试图了解如何有效利用倒数2.1.0、上图1.0.0.2、ASP.NET MVC4和实体框架4.3。 有许多基本建筑问题似乎没有现成的答案。 我列举我的若干问题(分别列出),希望当我们试图在现实应用中实施这种组合时,有人能够为我和其他人提供合理的指导。

在2月份荷兰技术日(TechDays)关于击倒和Upshot的“强力”Steve Sandersonssonss 。)


According to Denver Developer in his blog post titled “Digging into Upshot.js” (http://denverdeveloper.wordpress.com/2012/03/07/digging-into-upshot-js/), there are three data providers exposed by Upshot.js. These are:

• 默认值为“强”DataProvider ()

• 下一个是“强度”DataProvider ()

• 最后,我们还有“强”数据DataProvider ()


  • Which data provider is better—the default data provider or the RIA data provider?
  • Which one is recommended for normal use and under what circumstances?
  • What are the performance implications of using the normal DataProvider vs the riaDataProvider?

在相关方面,互联网上似乎几乎没有关于结果的文件。 除了翻过4700+代码线外, Js, 是否有其他合适的文献来源来证明这个图书馆?



您应避免使用上射并使用 < a href=> "http://www.breezejs.com/" rel=" noreferrer" >http://www.breezejs.com/

ASP.Net MVC Roadmap (note that upshot is not being developed further): http://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Roadmap

keep an eye on the road map plus john Papa s blog (http://www.johnpapa.net/building-single-page-apps-with-knockout-jquery-and-web-api-ndash-the-story-begins) - that should keep you on the right path

update : i just started playing around with hot towel - it roles Breeze, Durandal.js Knockout.js and Twitter Bootstrap (among others) into a very nice template ...its looking pretty cool so far

https://github.com/johnpapa/HotTowel" rel=“noreferrer'>https://github.com/johnpapa/HotTowel


要使用哪个服务提供商取决于您的服务器端数据服务类型。 在我的做法中,它们是:

  1. WCF RIA service + upshot (with riaDataProvider) + knockout.
  2. ASP.NET WEB API + upshot (with dataProvider) + knockout. (both will do good job for you!)
  3. WCF data Service + upshot (with oDataProvider) + knockout. (read data only now)
    For oData server side service, "JayData" is a good option

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