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定义在 asp. net 中自定义 Web 控制事件
原标题:define Custom Event for WebControl in asp.net

I need to define 3 events in a Custom Control as OnChange, OnSave, and OnDelete. I have a GridView and work with its rows.




Custom Controls in Visual C# .NET enter image description here

Step 1: 在您控制下创建事件处理程序 。 @ info: whatsthis

public event SubmitClickedHandler SubmitClicked;

// Add a protected method called OnSubmitClicked().
// You may use this in child classes instead of adding
// event handlers.
protected virtual void OnSubmitClicked()
    // If an event has no subscribers registered, it will
    // evaluate to null. The test checks that the value is not
    // null, ensuring that there are subscribers before
    // calling the event itself.
    if (SubmitClicked != null)
        SubmitClicked();  // Notify Subscribers

// Handler for Submit Button. Do some validation before
// calling the event.
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

Step 2 : 利用您注册控件的页面中的事件。以下代码将成为您注册控件的页面的一部分。如果您注册了该代码,则由控件的提交按钮触发。

// Handle the SubmitClicked Event
private void SubmitClicked()
    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Hello, {0}!",


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