English 中文(简体)
与 ANTLR 一起使用的日食源代码编辑器插件
原标题:eclipse source code editor plugin to use with ANTLR

我用ANTLR框架创造了我的新编程语言。 语言由语法定义,语义则使用横穿AST的树漫步器强制使用。

I want to develop an eclipse plugin to serve as a source code editor to write programs in my new language. For example I would like to highlight keywords, mark lines with syntactic/semantic errors, etc.

What is the best way to approach this? Anyone knows of any lib/framework which integrates easily with ANTLR to do this?



我建议""http://www.eclipse.org/Xtext/"rel="nofollow">Xtext 框架,它以ANTRR + EMF 为基础。


Eclipse < a href="""http://www.eclipse.org/dltk/"rel="nolfollow">dltk 插件将是这方面的更好的选择。

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