I have been building a google-like query syntax parser in ANTLR (C#).
I am finished except for one thing, which I have struggled with for a long time and failed to solve.
If the user enters "word1 word2 word3", I want the parser to treat this the same as "word1 and word2 and word3". So in effect the "and" is optional/implicit between terms.
I need the "and" to form the root of the AST subtree, which doesn t go well if the "and" isn t actually there. Even with lookahead/backtrack I cant find the right syntax to make it work.
Here is a snippet of my current grammar that works with an explicit "and":
: andexpression (OR_OP^ andexpression)*
options {
: atom (AND_OP^ atom)*
Ideally, I would like to make andexpression look like this:
options {
: l=atom (AND_OP? r=atom)* -> ^(AND_OP $l $r?)+
But I get RewriteEmptyStreamException parsing string like "sheep dog fish".
If anybody has any tips on how to make my "and" optional, it would be much appreciated.