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Problems with implicit "and" in query grammar build using Antlr
  • 时间:2009-11-15 17:43:01
  •  标签:
  • antlr

I have been building a google-like query syntax parser in ANTLR (C#).

I am finished except for one thing, which I have struggled with for a long time and failed to solve.

If the user enters "word1 word2 word3", I want the parser to treat this the same as "word1 and word2 and word3". So in effect the "and" is optional/implicit between terms.

I need the "and" to form the root of the AST subtree, which doesn t go well if the "and" isn t actually there. Even with lookahead/backtrack I cant find the right syntax to make it work.

Here is a snippet of my current grammar that works with an explicit "and":

    : andexpression (OR_OP^ andexpression)*

options {
    : atom (AND_OP^ atom)*

Ideally, I would like to make andexpression look like this:

options {
    : l=atom (AND_OP? r=atom)* -> ^(AND_OP $l $r?)+

But I get RewriteEmptyStreamException parsing string like "sheep dog fish".

If anybody has any tips on how to make my "and" optional, it would be much appreciated.


Answer was supplied by somebody on the ANTLR mailing list. Works like a charm. Re-posting here for those interested.

    : l=andexpression (OR_OP^ r=andexpression)*

    : atom (andop^ atom)*

    : AND_OP -> AND_OP
    | -> AND_OP

Best way is to do this:

andexpression : atom (AND_OP^ atom) ;

backtrack option is unnecessary too.


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