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我如何在 cpanel 中安装一个 nodejs 应用程序, 但在我的 cpanel 软件部件中没有设置 nodejs
原标题:how do i install a nodejs app in cpanel but there is no setup nodejs in my cpanel software part
  • 时间:2024-02-10 06:30:02
  •  标签:
  • node.js

i want install a node.js app in cpanel and i have searched in google and all articles say that there is a setup node.js option in software part but there is no Setup nod.js option in my cpanel software part ,
and when i send a ticket to host support they reply that node.js is installed by default now i want to know how can i install a node.js app without setup node.js option .

var http = require( http );

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  res.writeHead(200, { Content-Type :  text/plain });
  res.end( Hello World! );


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